
Celebrating Beltaine

Connect with Beltaine Energy

While there are obviously a whole bunch of traditional activities associated with the various Northern Hemisphere Beltaine & May Day celebrations, what if you don't really vibe with those? After...

Connect with Beltaine Energy

While there are obviously a whole bunch of traditional activities associated with the various Northern Hemisphere Beltaine & May Day celebrations, what if you don't really vibe with those? After...



At Beltane/Floralia in Australia, we're balancing our Halloween celebrations with the tail end of spring. While the wildflower season is starting to peter off, most orchids are still flowering now,...


At Beltane/Floralia in Australia, we're balancing our Halloween celebrations with the tail end of spring. While the wildflower season is starting to peter off, most orchids are still flowering now,...



Scientific Name: Sodium Chloride (NaCl) Ethical Concerns: Some particular salts that have become popular (like Himalayan Rock Salt and Dead Sea Salt) are finite resources, mined with little environmental consideration...


Scientific Name: Sodium Chloride (NaCl) Ethical Concerns: Some particular salts that have become popular (like Himalayan Rock Salt and Dead Sea Salt) are finite resources, mined with little environmental consideration...



The soothing and aromatic lavender is a common favourite floral herb. Here I'll discuss some of its magical associations, as well as folklore and botanical information.


The soothing and aromatic lavender is a common favourite floral herb. Here I'll discuss some of its magical associations, as well as folklore and botanical information.

Celebrating Spring Equinox

Connect with Spring Equinox (Ostara) Energy

While there are obviously a whole bunch of traditional activities associated with the Christian and Wiccan celebrations at the Spring Equinox, what if you don't really vibe with those? After...

Connect with Spring Equinox (Ostara) Energy

While there are obviously a whole bunch of traditional activities associated with the Christian and Wiccan celebrations at the Spring Equinox, what if you don't really vibe with those? After...

Spring Equinox

Spring (Vernal) Equinox

The Vernal (Spring) Equinox marks the point where the day and night are of equal length, making it a time of balance. From here, the daylight hours gradually get longer...

Spring (Vernal) Equinox

The Vernal (Spring) Equinox marks the point where the day and night are of equal length, making it a time of balance. From here, the daylight hours gradually get longer...